Monday, August 16, 2010

Decorating and other thoughts

I am all about decorating and updating my bedroom lately. I can't seem to find any art work to hang on the walls that screams out to me "This is it!" so I have decided to make my own. I am going to get some colored paper and take a couple pictures of the different designs on my comforter then I am going to print the pictures and use the colored paper to make a collage to frame and hang up. It will be cheap, match exactly and be original! Once I paint the walls and can hang some stuff up it will be my own little relaxing getaway. I want to walk in my bedroom and feel calm and happy. Right now I walk in and immediately want to leave. I hate the blue walls and holes and finger prints all over it. It doesn't feel like "my" room, it's just a place where I sleep at this point. A bedroom should be your oasis at the end of a long day where you want to lay around and spend all day on a lazy day, just to read or relax. I hope to find some free time soon to do the painting so that I will be able to put up the wall art and get my vision going! I am on a mission to find some beautiful vinyl wall decorations at the moment. I really want a chandelier to hang on the wall and a vinyl headboard piece. It will be cheaper than buying a real headboard, look great and it is easy to remove or replace if I decide I want to switch up the theme. Also, my mom is re-upholstering the seat to my vanity and I can't wait to bring that in and put it in my room. It is pretty and it will be extra storage for the stuff I just have laying around. I have also decided to go through my closet and all my drawers and all the stuff I brought over in bins when I moved and I am going to throw away or sell as much stuff as I can. My second goal in the decorating is to de-clutter and get rid of all the stuff that I have that I don't use or look at that is just taking up space. I should have a show called "The Anti-Hoarder". I have been totally motivated to unload and simplify my life. I have so much crap and honestly, who needs all that stuff? I can't stand to see cluttered and covered spaces and people who have stuff just to have it and it takes over the whole place. I want clean and fresh and simple.

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