Saturday, October 9, 2010

A whole new world

So I started my new job last week and it's great. I love that there is always something to do and everyone has specific jobs that they are assigned to do at certain times every day. I like to always be busy, it makes the day go by so much quicker! I am still learning how to use the data entry system but I think I am picking up on it pretty well. The phones may take some time as it is hard to learn how to answer every question that may come through, I just have to take it one call at a time and hope I don't get anything too weird right away.

As I drive into work every morning I see this shop called Four Shabby Chicks and I am absolutely DYING to check it out. Here's a link to their blog I love the whole shabby chic thing and I would love to decorate with this theme everywhere! It is all so fresh and clean and beautiful looking. I am positive that I will find the wall art and decorations I have been looking for but can't find in this store. I will have to wait until I start getting regular paychecks from the new job but I am sure that once I have some money I will be spending a pretty penny in this shop!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moving On

After being comfortable in my job for the last six years, I recently decided it was time to move on. I recently received a pay cut in the form of having to pay for half of my monthly health insurance premiums. This was a drastic blow to me and as soon as we received the news I immediately hopped on the job hunting wagon. I had been applying for jobs since June and finally about a week and a half ago was offered a higher paying position with better benefits. I, of course, jumped on the opportunity. In one week I will be starting my new job and I am really excited. I thought I would be feeling upset or emotional about leaving my current job, but I don't. I am feeling optimistic about my new job and I can't wait to start! I have to get through a six month probation period but once I get through that I should be go. I got a new outfit to start it off right, although I won't be able to wear it until it cools off. I will be sad to be leaving the friends I've made at my current job, but I am looking forward to meeting new friends. I will have a real office this time so that will be great! I can't stand working in a little cubby out in the open. Hopefully this job will be a challenge and I know I will enjoy it. For all of you that are unhappy with where you are, just keep plugging along and something will come up for you.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Decorating and other thoughts

I am all about decorating and updating my bedroom lately. I can't seem to find any art work to hang on the walls that screams out to me "This is it!" so I have decided to make my own. I am going to get some colored paper and take a couple pictures of the different designs on my comforter then I am going to print the pictures and use the colored paper to make a collage to frame and hang up. It will be cheap, match exactly and be original! Once I paint the walls and can hang some stuff up it will be my own little relaxing getaway. I want to walk in my bedroom and feel calm and happy. Right now I walk in and immediately want to leave. I hate the blue walls and holes and finger prints all over it. It doesn't feel like "my" room, it's just a place where I sleep at this point. A bedroom should be your oasis at the end of a long day where you want to lay around and spend all day on a lazy day, just to read or relax. I hope to find some free time soon to do the painting so that I will be able to put up the wall art and get my vision going! I am on a mission to find some beautiful vinyl wall decorations at the moment. I really want a chandelier to hang on the wall and a vinyl headboard piece. It will be cheaper than buying a real headboard, look great and it is easy to remove or replace if I decide I want to switch up the theme. Also, my mom is re-upholstering the seat to my vanity and I can't wait to bring that in and put it in my room. It is pretty and it will be extra storage for the stuff I just have laying around. I have also decided to go through my closet and all my drawers and all the stuff I brought over in bins when I moved and I am going to throw away or sell as much stuff as I can. My second goal in the decorating is to de-clutter and get rid of all the stuff that I have that I don't use or look at that is just taking up space. I should have a show called "The Anti-Hoarder". I have been totally motivated to unload and simplify my life. I have so much crap and honestly, who needs all that stuff? I can't stand to see cluttered and covered spaces and people who have stuff just to have it and it takes over the whole place. I want clean and fresh and simple.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Fabulous Beekman Boys

I highly suggest that everyone watch The Fabulous Beekman Boys on Planet Green. It is about a gay couple, Josh Kilmer-Purcell and Brent Ridge, who bought a farm in the country with goats, chickens and a llama. They grow their own vegetables and make soap and cheese from the goat's milk. The show is about how Brent has left his career as a doctor to stay at the farm while Josh stays in the city until the farm can sustain itself and both of them. The stories of their love and sacrifice to make their dream come true is so heartwarming and fun. I love that it is a show that doesn't have to rely on being trashy and vulgar and I can't wait to see each new episode to see what the boys will be up to next. My favorite part of the show was when they were splitting wood and Josh started talking about Mommy Dearest and Brent didn't know what he was talking about and Josh says "Are you gay?", I guess you kind of have to see it to understand how funny it is but just thinking about it makes me smile and giggle to myself. I have been doing a little background investigating and have discovered that Josh is a best-selling author and advertising executive who was a drag queen in the 90's (how cool is that?!). Brent is a doctor and worked with Martha Stewart on her Healthy Living magazine. While Josh stays in the city and works, Brent lives on the farm full time handling the soap and cheese sales and now opening a new store. I find this to be a fascinating show and I would highly recommend it anyone.

Monday, August 2, 2010

My Nephew

My nephew, Tyler, is four years old and anyone who says that the terrible two's are the worst has no idea when it comes to the ferocious four's. He is going through a phase these days where he likes to repeat everything you say in a sing song voice mocking you. Then when you tell him to stop, he tells you to stop it. Even though he is acting like a little turd there are some times that he is so sweet you almost can't stand it. Yesterday he told my brother to call me on their way home from the beach because I had to be at the house so he could show me stuff when they got home. He got a hermit crab at the beach and is very proud of it.

A couple months ago Tyler started using words that we have no idea where he even heard them. We took him to Walmart to get a Halloween costume and as we were walking in was hugging his mommy and told her that she smelled like a breast. I said, Tyler what does a breast smell like? And he tells me, Mommy. LOL.

When we took my brother, Brittany and Tyler out to eat for my brother and Brittany's birthdays we were in the car and he was telling me that he is a boy and he has a penis, that daddy has a penis and pawpaw has a penis and every boy has a penis. I told him that is true, boys have a penis. So then I decide to ask him what a girl has because he always comes up with some interesting answers, and he tells me that girls have a mustache and a butt. I said ok, then. I wasn't about to take that conversation any further!

Tyler stayed with me a few days a couple months back and I took him with me to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions for my Grandma. While we were in the pharmacy he asked me why Grandma needs medicine, is she sick? I said no, sometimes when people get old they just need to take medicine. Then as we were leaving he wanted me to buy him something and I told him I didn't have any money, and he tells me I just saw use that card to get Grandma's medicine so I know you have money on that card, haha! Who knew they even paid attention at that age! When he got home my mom asked him what he did that day and he said he went and got Grandma medicine to make her not old.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vacation All I Ever Wanted...

I have been house sitting for my parents since last Saturday and while most people hate for vacation to end I can't wait to get back home. I have had to feed and water and play with six dogs, not including my own as well as feed and water a rabbit. My parents live in the middle of nowhere in the country and the house is surrounded by dirt, trees, bugs and who knows what else. I am not a country girl. For the first two days my brother, his girlfriend and my nephew were here and it wasn't so bad. Brittany fed and watered the dogs and I didn't have to mess with them. Well, they left on Monday to join my parents and then I had to take over all the chores. First, my brother's dogs decided they wanted to terrorize my little chihuahua, who is used to being the only pet and he did not take kindly to any attention that was not smothered on him. He has given me the stink eye all week. Then my brother's dog, Snoopy, who is the Houdini of dogs managed to get his metal chain off the stake and go into the woods where the metal chain became snagged on who knows what and I had to go into the woods to free him. Now, obviously, I did not go too deep into the woods. I made Snoopy pull as far as he could to release him from the snagged chain and then put him in the house. My brother's friend, Adam, had to come over and try to find the chain which he never did find but hooked up another one for the meantime. The next day I look out the window and he has overturned his water bowl and peed all over it. Why? Who knows, he's a gross dog. This morning I put him back out and he overturns his water bowl (after I had just filled it with fresh cold water), pees on it, then grabs the chain in his mouth and is out there pulling on it trying to break free. Why me? Then my little dog decides to follow my parents' ancient beagle out to the road and won't come back. I called my cousins and made them come get him, I couldn't handle the thought that he may get run over because he was being a little turd. Now, my parents' beagle, Norman, is the world's oldest dog on earth. He has turned white and has cataracts and every skin condition a dog can have. He wants to go in and out of the house every five minutes. As soon as I let him out he howls to come back in. No sooner have I let him in then he is howling to go outside. My mom and dad tell me that he is old and just let him do what he wants. I can barely sit down for a few minutes and there is Norman, howling and barking to go in or out. Even though Norman is practically a fossil he still goes up the driveway and walks up and down the road every day. He is blind and I'm pretty sure he's deaf, or else he just has selective hearing, but he has his routine and he sticks to it. Now, after all of this, I welcome going back to work and getting up early every day just to be back in my own house and in my own bed with just my little dog to worry about and a fenced in backyard so I know he isn't going anywhere.

Friday, July 30, 2010


For some unknown reason I have decided to tackle another crafty thing. I went to the library on Wednesday and checked out some books on how to crochet. I'm not quite sure how this is going to pan out, but I plan to give it my best! I have been looking over the books and it seems like it may be a rather difficult type of crafty thing. I chose books that looked like a dummy could learn by reading it, who knew that there was so much involved in crochet other than a hook and a needle! I am going to attempt a potholder as my first project. I'm a little afraid!

The first book I chose, " Crocheting in Plain English", sounds simple enough. Not only does this book show you the basics of the craft it also goes into quite intricate detail of the history of crochet. I guess it is good to know where and how things came about, but I would really just like to make a potholder.

The next book I chose, "How to Crochet", sounds simple enough. This one also goes into each and every type of hook and yarn or thread that can possibly be used. Just show me how to make a potholder already!!

The library sent me an email telling me they had a crochet video on hold for me. I am hoping that the DVD how-to will get straight to the point. I guess we shall see what happens when I pick it up on Monday!

Crafty Things- Punch Needle

So, I have decided to learn a few different crafty type things so I can expand my horizons. I started with punch needle projects which are really quite simple and end up looking so pretty. I like how, unlike cross stitch, the punch needle has some texture and mistakes are easier to camouflage! This is my first attempt at a punch needle project, not terrible, but not as good as I had hoped. I probably shouldn't have chosen a project with so much detail for the first attempt! This one is a flower in a vase and some little squiggles and decorations.

The next project I tackled was a little simpler and turned out much better! I picked this one because I loved the color combination of the brown and aqua. I am pretty proud of this little piece of needlework.

I have just started my third punch needle project and since I've been on vacation this week it is coming along quicker than the first two. Also, since I have finally gotten the hang of it this one is looking much nicer. Here are some pictures of the progress I've made so far of the cute cupcake project!

This is all I have so far but it is coming along quite well and I am very excited to see the finished product!