Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm Feeling Crafty!

With the holidays quickly approaching I have been thinking of how to create some inexpensive, but pretty gifts to hand out this year. I was inspired by a friend to try to make a fleece wreath (who made one herself and it was gorgeous, thanks for the inspiration Chloe!) and it seems to be simple and the end result is so pretty! I am considering doing a couple different types of the fleece/felt wreath, there are so many great ideas and templates out there I'm not sure which one I like best.

These are both so pretty and I am trying to decide whether I want to make the balls and put them in a bowl as a centerpiece or if I want to the wreaths and maybe do a couple big ones and some smaller ones that might hang from a door knob.

The other crafty thing I've had on my mind is making jewelry with wire and beads. I came across this awesome blog describing in detail how to make a bird nest necklace and I think I can do these.

The full directions and list of supplies needed can be found here I am really excited to try one of these! I hope that they come out looking as pretty as this because I am hoping to make some for my friends at work for Christmas. I think they would all love them.

I am still working on all of my punch needle projects (which I have been neglecting and have gotten horribly behind on) and I hope to have some new pictures of those to post soon. I've also been making some diaper cakes for friends and other people to gift at baby showers. Here is a pic of the newest one I made.

These diaper cakes are actually pretty simple to make and seem to be loved by the mother-to-be and party guests. All I do is get some small rubber bands and roll each diaper and secure with the rubber band. Then take the rolled up diapers and place them around a baby bottle or a paper towel roll and secure with a large rubber band then use a large ribbon to cover the rubber band. Use a variety of stuffed animals, socks, pacifiers and other items to personalize the diaper cake, and voila!, instant centerpiece that doubles as a gift!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Books, books, books!

It has been a rainy and miserable few days which makes for perfect reading time! I have read five new books this week and very much enjoyed each of them

The first book I read was "The Graveminder" by Melissa Marr. I love the originality of this book and the idea of a woman being chosen to mind the dead in order to prevent them from rising from their graves, the whole thing being the result of a deal with the devil made many years ago. It was definitely not like any other book I've read and I am looking forward to reading more.

The second book was "The Peach Keeper" by Sarah Addison Allen. I love all of her novels, each one is like a little breath of fresh air. The characters are relatable, the stories are uplifting and I am always left feeling happy. This particular book is about friendship and love with a little bit of mystery and fantasy thrown in. 

If anyone has read anything interesting lately please let me know, I'm always looking for new reading!

The third book was "The House at Riverton" by Kate Morton. Kate Morton writes beautiful stories and I love the underlying mystery in each book that I always can't wait to get to the end just so I can see if I had solved it, but she always manages to throw in a surprise that I had never considered. I also like that the stories span generations and the history that she includes in each novel.

The fourth book was "The Widow's War" by Sally Gunning. This was an interesting story about a woman who becomes widowed when her husband drowns at sea. She is forced to move in with her daughter and son-in-law and all of her possessions become the property of her son-in-law and all of her decisions are also made by him. She balks at the idea of not living her own life and makes the effort to live on her own and not rely on someone else to provide for her. For most of this book I was enraged at how women were treated as possessions and not able to do anything without the permission or direction of a man. I rooted for her to be successful in her attempt to forge her own way and was not disappointed. At times the book was difficult to read but it was an interesting story and I would recommend it.

The fifth book I read was "Hidden" by Shalini Boland. I love that this book was not your typical "vampire" novel. It had substance and I loved the historical aspects. I enjoyed how the book went back and forth between the two main characters and I got to know each one individually before they even crossed paths. The vampire story was interesting in that the author did not refer to most well known vampire type myths other than the aversion to sunlight. Describing this book could not do it justice and I think anyone would love this book.

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Beginnings

After much thought and consideration I have decided to re-join Weight Watchers. This time I plan to do it online instead of through meetings because I think that I got all I needed from the meetings and should be able to implement what I've learned. I had success last time I joined, but I allowed myself to be swayed by the person I was going with and quit. There will be no quitting this time! I have made lists of all the things I need in order to have success and I've jotted down notes and ideas in my day planner, organization for me is key. I will celebrate all my small successes to keep motivated and I hope to share all through the process and maybe I can help someone  else who is struggling too. One goal I have is to do the 10,000 steps in a day and I will need to find a good pedometer, anyone who has a suggestion please let me know!

My first goal is to lose 5% of my body weight, which may not seem like much but I think that the small goals will keep things going and if I always have a specific goal in mind I will be much more successful.

Just wanted to jot down some thoughts and ideas, I hope to have some happy updates soon!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Latest Reading List

I have been reading some great stuff lately and I am so glad I have my Sony e-bookreader. I love the convenience of the bookreader and the fact that I can download a ton of books and have them all with me at the push of a button. I take it with me everywhere and have read more since I got it for Christmas a few years ago than I have read in a long time. I have been reading a lot of books that I came across just perusing the Sony website and liking the description and reviews.

An author that I discovered several months ago is Carol Goodman, I have read all of her books and I love them. I am not really sure how to describe the genre, they are sort of mysteries with twists and turns and stories that will suck you in and force you to keep reading obsessively until you have figured out who did what and why and how. I really hope she has some new stuff coming out soon, any new books will be sure to find their way to my wishlist.

I also discovered an author by the name of Kate Morton, I've only read two of her books so far, but I have added her others to my reading wishlist. The first book of hers that I read is The Forgotten Garden, the best way I can think of to describe this book is I felt like it was a twist on The Secret Garden but for grown ups. I love that throughout the book she referenced Frances Hodgson Burnett and even wrote her in as a character.

The Morganville Vampires is a fun series, I haven't finished it but plan to read the rest of the series soon. The Vampires in this series are not your usual vampires and there are enough differences to make it unique, but it is still a young adult series which means a lot of whiny teenager moments and stupidity. Despite that fact I enjoy it so far just be prepared for the typical teen angst.

I just started A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, it is her first novel and so far I am loving it. It has witches, demons and vampires all living among humans. I wish that she would not switch around from third person to first person but it doesn't take away from the story so that is just a small complaint. I have recently learned it is to be a trilogy so I am very excited to find out what will happen next.

I have downloaded Water for Elephants, The Body Finder and Wicked Lovely recently. I am excited for each of them and am looking forward to letting you know what I think!

As you can tell, I don't really have a specific type of book that I read. I like all different kinds of books and genres. Usually, the cover and description will draw me in and I will decide on what to read after reading a few reviews. Suggestions on anything new are appreciated!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A whole new world

So I started my new job last week and it's great. I love that there is always something to do and everyone has specific jobs that they are assigned to do at certain times every day. I like to always be busy, it makes the day go by so much quicker! I am still learning how to use the data entry system but I think I am picking up on it pretty well. The phones may take some time as it is hard to learn how to answer every question that may come through, I just have to take it one call at a time and hope I don't get anything too weird right away.

As I drive into work every morning I see this shop called Four Shabby Chicks and I am absolutely DYING to check it out. Here's a link to their blog I love the whole shabby chic thing and I would love to decorate with this theme everywhere! It is all so fresh and clean and beautiful looking. I am positive that I will find the wall art and decorations I have been looking for but can't find in this store. I will have to wait until I start getting regular paychecks from the new job but I am sure that once I have some money I will be spending a pretty penny in this shop!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moving On

After being comfortable in my job for the last six years, I recently decided it was time to move on. I recently received a pay cut in the form of having to pay for half of my monthly health insurance premiums. This was a drastic blow to me and as soon as we received the news I immediately hopped on the job hunting wagon. I had been applying for jobs since June and finally about a week and a half ago was offered a higher paying position with better benefits. I, of course, jumped on the opportunity. In one week I will be starting my new job and I am really excited. I thought I would be feeling upset or emotional about leaving my current job, but I don't. I am feeling optimistic about my new job and I can't wait to start! I have to get through a six month probation period but once I get through that I should be go. I got a new outfit to start it off right, although I won't be able to wear it until it cools off. I will be sad to be leaving the friends I've made at my current job, but I am looking forward to meeting new friends. I will have a real office this time so that will be great! I can't stand working in a little cubby out in the open. Hopefully this job will be a challenge and I know I will enjoy it. For all of you that are unhappy with where you are, just keep plugging along and something will come up for you.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Decorating and other thoughts

I am all about decorating and updating my bedroom lately. I can't seem to find any art work to hang on the walls that screams out to me "This is it!" so I have decided to make my own. I am going to get some colored paper and take a couple pictures of the different designs on my comforter then I am going to print the pictures and use the colored paper to make a collage to frame and hang up. It will be cheap, match exactly and be original! Once I paint the walls and can hang some stuff up it will be my own little relaxing getaway. I want to walk in my bedroom and feel calm and happy. Right now I walk in and immediately want to leave. I hate the blue walls and holes and finger prints all over it. It doesn't feel like "my" room, it's just a place where I sleep at this point. A bedroom should be your oasis at the end of a long day where you want to lay around and spend all day on a lazy day, just to read or relax. I hope to find some free time soon to do the painting so that I will be able to put up the wall art and get my vision going! I am on a mission to find some beautiful vinyl wall decorations at the moment. I really want a chandelier to hang on the wall and a vinyl headboard piece. It will be cheaper than buying a real headboard, look great and it is easy to remove or replace if I decide I want to switch up the theme. Also, my mom is re-upholstering the seat to my vanity and I can't wait to bring that in and put it in my room. It is pretty and it will be extra storage for the stuff I just have laying around. I have also decided to go through my closet and all my drawers and all the stuff I brought over in bins when I moved and I am going to throw away or sell as much stuff as I can. My second goal in the decorating is to de-clutter and get rid of all the stuff that I have that I don't use or look at that is just taking up space. I should have a show called "The Anti-Hoarder". I have been totally motivated to unload and simplify my life. I have so much crap and honestly, who needs all that stuff? I can't stand to see cluttered and covered spaces and people who have stuff just to have it and it takes over the whole place. I want clean and fresh and simple.