Friday, September 9, 2011

Books, books, books!

It has been a rainy and miserable few days which makes for perfect reading time! I have read five new books this week and very much enjoyed each of them

The first book I read was "The Graveminder" by Melissa Marr. I love the originality of this book and the idea of a woman being chosen to mind the dead in order to prevent them from rising from their graves, the whole thing being the result of a deal with the devil made many years ago. It was definitely not like any other book I've read and I am looking forward to reading more.

The second book was "The Peach Keeper" by Sarah Addison Allen. I love all of her novels, each one is like a little breath of fresh air. The characters are relatable, the stories are uplifting and I am always left feeling happy. This particular book is about friendship and love with a little bit of mystery and fantasy thrown in. 

If anyone has read anything interesting lately please let me know, I'm always looking for new reading!

The third book was "The House at Riverton" by Kate Morton. Kate Morton writes beautiful stories and I love the underlying mystery in each book that I always can't wait to get to the end just so I can see if I had solved it, but she always manages to throw in a surprise that I had never considered. I also like that the stories span generations and the history that she includes in each novel.

The fourth book was "The Widow's War" by Sally Gunning. This was an interesting story about a woman who becomes widowed when her husband drowns at sea. She is forced to move in with her daughter and son-in-law and all of her possessions become the property of her son-in-law and all of her decisions are also made by him. She balks at the idea of not living her own life and makes the effort to live on her own and not rely on someone else to provide for her. For most of this book I was enraged at how women were treated as possessions and not able to do anything without the permission or direction of a man. I rooted for her to be successful in her attempt to forge her own way and was not disappointed. At times the book was difficult to read but it was an interesting story and I would recommend it.

The fifth book I read was "Hidden" by Shalini Boland. I love that this book was not your typical "vampire" novel. It had substance and I loved the historical aspects. I enjoyed how the book went back and forth between the two main characters and I got to know each one individually before they even crossed paths. The vampire story was interesting in that the author did not refer to most well known vampire type myths other than the aversion to sunlight. Describing this book could not do it justice and I think anyone would love this book.

1 comment:

  1. 5 books in a week? Great day, you must read like a million words a minute.

